Tuesday, October 28, 2008

And It Was Beautiful

I wondered when it would happen. And it finally has. And it's so unearthing. I don't know how it happened. I didn't even ask for it, I think.

But I am finally tired. Tired of it all. I am so ready for change. For right. For me. For Him.

I want to be done with this place. And these people. I want to go. But it will happen soon enough. Then I can be me.

It's so hard to change, to be different, to be you, when you've been a certain person for so long. People don't want to let you change. They want you to stay just as they've known you. Because it's comfortable. Because it benefits them.

Now I don't mean all people. Just the majority around here, in my life. But I mean, it's totally understandable, right? It's human nature. To want to feel safe, to not want things to change.

I think.

Anyways, I know I will not be the same friend I was to a lotta people. The friend that they want me to be. And I know that they will not understand why, and they will be bitter and angry with me. But I will love them always. More than they will ever know. But I must let them go.. To be free.

I am blessed. I will never comprehend this change in me. But it has come. And it was time. And it was beautiful.

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